List of Accepted Papers

Oral Presentations

  • Naama Ben-David, Guy Blelloch and Yuanhao Wei. Lock-Free Locks Revisited
  • Xiangyun Ding, Xiaojun Dong, Yan Gu, Youzhe Liu and Yihan Sun. Efficient Parallel Output-Sensitive Edit Distance
  • Lars Gottesbüren, Nikolai Maas, Peter Sanders and Daniel Seemaier. Modern Software Libraries for Graph Partitioning
  • Laxman Dhulipala, Jakub Łącki, Jason Lee and Vahab Mirrokni. TeraHAC: Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering of Trillion-Edge Graphs
  • Xiaojun Dong, Laxman Dhulipala, Yan Gu and Yihan Sun. Parallel Integer Sort: Theory and Practice
  • Letong Wang, Xiangyun Ding, Yan Gu and Yihan Sun. Fast and Space-Efficient Parallel Algorithms for Influence Maximization
  • Tadeusz Kobus, Maciej Kokociński and Paweł T. Wojciechowski. Jiffy: A Lock-free Skip List with Batch Updates and Snapshots
  • Jaehwang Jung, Jeonghyeon Kim, Matthew J. Parkinson and Jeehoon Kang. Concurrent Immediate Reference Counting
  • Prasad Jayanti, Siddhartha Jayanti, Ugur Yavuz and Lizzie Hernandez. Meta-configuration Tracking: A Universal, Sound, and Complete Forward Reasoning Technique for Machine-Verified Proofs of Linearizability
  • Dominik Schreiber and Peter Sanders. Scalable SAT Solving on Demand
  • Gal Sela and Erez Petrank. Concurrent Size

Poster Presentations

(All oral presentations will also present posters)

  • Naama Ben-David, Gal Sela and Adriana Szekeres. The FIDS Theorems: Tensions between Multinode and Multicore Performance in Transactional Systems
  • Siddhartha Jayanti and Robert Tarjan. Concurrent Disjoint Set Union
  • Helen Xu, Amanda Li, Brian Wheatman, Manoj Marneni and Prashant Pandey. BP-tree: Overcoming the Point-Range Operation Tradeoff for In-Memory B-trees
  • Sam Coy, Artur Czumaj, Peter Davies and Gopinath Mishra. Parallel Derandomization for Coloring
  • Konrad Siek and Paweł T. Wojciechowski. Last-use Opacity: A Strong Safety Property for Transactional Memory with Prerelease Support
  • Nandeeka Nayak, Toluwanimi Odemuyiwa, Shubham Ugare, Christopher W. Fletcher, Michael Pellauer and Joel S. Emer. TeAAL: A Declarative Framework for Modeling Sparse Tensor Accelerators
  • Jamshed Khan, Tobias Rubel, Erin Molloy, Laxman Dhulipala and Robert Patro. Fast, Parallel, and Cache-friendly Suffix Array Construction