2:30-2:34     Opening Remarks. Laxman Dhulipala and Yihan Sun

Session 1: Concurrency 1

2:34-2:52     Gal Sela and Erez Petrank. Concurrent Size

2:52-3:12     Jaehwang Jung, Jeonghyeon Kim, Matthew J. Parkinson and Jeehoon Kang. Concurrent Immediate Reference Counting

3:12-3:30     Tadeusz Kobus, Maciej Kokociński and Paweł T. Wojciechowski. Jiffy: A Lock-free Skip List with Batch Updates and Snapshots

3:30-4:00     Coffee Break

Session 2: Parallel Algorithms 1

4:00-4:18     Letong Wang, Xiangyun Ding, Yan Gu and Yihan Sun. Fast and Space-Efficient Parallel Algorithms for Influence Maximization

4:18-4:36     Dominik Schreiber and Peter Sanders. Scalable SAT Solving on Demand

4:36-4:54     Xiaojun Dong, Laxman Dhulipala, Yan Gu and Yihan Sun. Parallel Integer Sort: Theory and Practice

4:54-5:00     Break

Session 3: Parallel Algorithms 2

5:00-5:18     Laxman Dhulipala, Jakub Łącki, Jason Lee and Vahab Mirrokni. TeraHAC: Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering of Trillion-Edge Graphs

5:18-5:36     Xiangyun Ding, Xiaojun Dong, Yan Gu, Youzhe Liu and Yihan Sun. Efficient Parallel Output-Sensitive Edit Distance

5:36-5:54     Lars Gottesbüren, Nikolai Maas, Peter Sanders and Daniel Seemaier. Modern Software Libraries for Graph Partitioning

5:54-6:00     Break

Session 4: Concurrency 2

6:00-6:18     Prasad Jayanti, Siddhartha Jayanti, Ugur Yavuz and Lizzie Hernandez. Meta-configuration Tracking: A Universal, Sound, and Complete Forward Reasoning Technique for Machine-Verified Proofs of Linearizability

6:18-6:36     Naama Ben-David, Guy Blelloch and Yuanhao Wei. Lock-Free Locks Revisited

Poster Session:

7:00-8:30     At SPAA Reception. All accepted papers